Constructing a custom model

EzFlow has a modular design, with an aim to make it easy to build custom optical flow estimation models using component modules such as encoders, similarity functions, and decoders. Popular models for optical flow estimation like PWC-Net, RAFT, and VCN have been implemented in the library by breaking them down into the above mentioned components. EzFlow also supports a registry mechanism to allow users to register modules and use them in custom models seamlessly by specifying the module names in model configurations.

If one does not desire to make use of the registry mechanism, they can directly import the modules from the library and use them as they would normally use any other piece of modular code. For example, to use the pyramid feature encoder present in PWC-Net:

from ezflow.encoder import PyramidEncoder

encoder = PyramidEncoder(in_channels=3, config=[16, 64, 256])
features = encoder(img1, img2)

Or, to use the learnable matching function present in DICL, one can do the following:

from ezflow.similarity import LearnableMatchingCost

cost_fn = LearnableMatching(max_u=3, max_v=3)
cost = cost_fn(features1, features2)

(Please refer to the documentation of the individual modules for more details.)

Alternatively, the modules can also be accessed using builder functions which work with the registry mechanism. For example, to access the pyramid feature encoder from the above example, the following code snippet can be used:

from ezflow.encoder import build_encoder

encoder = build_encoder(name="PyramidEncoder", in_channels=3, config=[16, 64, 256])

This function uses the encoder name specified to fetch it from an encoder registry and constructs it using the parameters specified.

While the above examples highlight different ways of accessing component modules present in EzFlow, arguably the biggest utility of the library is its ability to make it easy to build custom models using the aforementioned modules, registry mechanism, builder functions, and configuration system. To understand how this works, consider the following scenario. Suppose you read the FlowNet and RAFT papers and thought it would be interesting to try an ablation analysis of using the residual encoder present in RAFT with the rest of the FlowNetSimple architecture. Let’s discuss how this can be achieved with EzFlow.

A simple way without the registry system and builder functions would be to directly import the modules from the library and then make use of them. For example:

from ezflow.encoder import BasicEncoder # RAFT encoder
from ezflow.decoder import FlowNetConvDecoder # FlowNetS decoder
from torch import nn

# Construct model class using the imported modules

class MyModel(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self,
                encoder_config=[32, 64, 96],
                decoder_config=[512, 256, 128, 64]
        super(MyModel, self).__init__()

        self.encoder = BasicEncoder(in_channels=3, layer_config=encoder_config)
        self.decoder = FlowNetConvDecoder(in_channels=encoder_config[-1], config=decoder_config)

    def forward(self, img1, img2):

        x =[img1, img2], axis=1)
        features = self.encoder(x)
        flow_preds = self.decoder(features)

        return flow_preds

Now, let’s see how this can be achieved with the registry system and builder functions. First, we need to write a model skeleton class which takes in a configuration object and register it to a model registry as shown below:

from ezflow.decoder import build_encoder
from ezflow.encoder import build_encoder
from ezflow.models import MODEL_REGISTRY
from torch import nn

class MyModel(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, cfg):
        super(MyModel, self).__init__()

        self.encoder = build_encoder(cfg.ENCODER)
        self.decoder = build_decoder(cfg.DECODER)

    def forward(self, img1, img2):

        x =[img1, img2], axis=1)
        features = self.encoder(x)
        flow_preds = self.decoder(features)

        return flow_preds

Notice that we have used configuration groups in the configuration object to build the encoder and decoder. Keeping this in mind, we now need to write a suitable YAML configuration file which specifies the encoder and decoder configuration groups.

NAME: MyModel
    NAME: ResidualEncoder
    LAYER_CONFIG: [32, 64, 96]
    NORM: instance
    P_DROPOUT: 0.0
    NAME: FlowNetConvDecoder
    IN_CHANNELS: 1024
    CONFIG: [512, 256, 128, 64]

The model can now be built using the builder function.

from ezflow.models import build_model

model = build_model(name="MyModel", cfg_path="MyModel.yaml", custom_cfg=True)
flow = model(img1, img2)

This whole system can be used to easily mix and match different components. For example, if you wish to use the pyramid feature encoder from PWC-Net, you simply need modify the encoder configuration group in the configuration file.

NAME: MyModel
    NAME: PyramidEncoder
    CONFIG: [16, 32, 64, 96, 128, 196]
    NAME: FlowNetConvDecoder
    IN_CHANNELS: 1024
    CONFIG: [512, 256, 128, 64]

This way one can easily experiment with different model configurations and easily switch between different components.

One can also register their own moduler and use to build custom models. For example, suppose you want to have a custom feature encoder. You need to perform the following steps to register it to the encoder registry and make it configurable.

from ezflow.config import configurable
from ezflow.encoder import ENCODER_REGISTRY
from torch import nn

class MyEncoder(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, param1, param2, param3):
        super(MyEncoder, self).__init__()

        # ...

    def from_config(cls, cfg):
        return {
            "param1": cfg.PARAM1,
            "param2": cfg.PARAM2,
            "param3": cfg.PARAM3

    def forward(self, x):

        # ...

The YAML configuration file can now be written as follows:

NAME: MyModel
    NAME: MyEncoder
    PARAM1: <param1>
    PARAM2: <param2>
    PARAM3: <param3>
    NAME: FlowNetConvDecoder
    IN_CHANNELS: 1024
    CONFIG: [512, 256, 128, 64]

The model can now be similarly built using the builder function as described above.

Do check out the other tutorials to understand how to train models using EzFlow’s training pipeline and how to use already implemented models. Please refer to the API documentation for more details.