Source code for

import re
from os.path import *

import cv2
import numpy as np
import torch.nn.functional as F
from PIL import Image


TAG_CHAR = np.array([202021.25], np.float32)

[docs]def read_flow_middlebury(fn): """ Read .flo file in Middlebury format Parameters ----------- fn : str Absolute path to flow file Returns -------- flow : np.ndarray Optical flow map """ # Code adapted from: # # WARNING: this will work on little-endian architectures (eg Intel x86) only! # print 'fn = %s'%(fn) with open(fn, "rb") as f: magic = np.fromfile(f, np.float32, count=1) if 202021.25 != magic: print("Magic number incorrect. Invalid .flo file") return None else: w = np.fromfile(f, np.int32, count=1) h = np.fromfile(f, np.int32, count=1) # print 'Reading %d x %d flo file\n' % (w, h) data = np.fromfile(f, np.float32, count=2 * int(w) * int(h)) # Reshape data into 3D array (banda, columns, rows) return np.resize(data, (int(h), int(w), 2))
[docs]def read_flow_pfm(file): """ Read optical flow from a .pfm file Parameters ----------- file : str Path to flow file Returns -------- flow : np.ndarray Optical flow map """ file = open(file, "rb") color = None width = None height = None scale = None endian = None header = file.readline().rstrip() if header == b"PF": color = True elif header == b"Pf": color = False else: raise Exception("Not a PFM file.") dim_match = re.match(rb"^(\d+)\s(\d+)\s$", file.readline()) if dim_match: width, height = map(int, dim_match.groups()) else: raise Exception("Malformed PFM header.") scale = float(file.readline().rstrip()) if scale < 0: # little-endian endian = "<" scale = -scale else: endian = ">" # big-endian data = np.fromfile(file, endian + "f") shape = (height, width, 3) if color else (height, width) data = np.reshape(data, shape) data = np.flipud(data) return data
[docs]def read_flow_png(filename): """ Read optical flow from a png file. Parameters ----------- filename : str Path to flow file Returns -------- flow : np.ndarray Optical flow map valid : np.ndarray Valid flow map """ flow = cv2.imread(filename, cv2.IMREAD_ANYDEPTH | cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) flow = flow[:, :, ::-1].astype(np.float32) flow, valid = flow[:, :, :2], flow[:, :, 2] flow = (flow - 2**15) / 64.0 return flow, valid
[docs]def write_flow(filename, uv, v=None): """Write optical flow to file. If v is None, uv is assumed to contain both u and v channels, stacked in depth. Parameters ---------- filename : str Path to file uv : np.ndarray Optical flow v : np.ndarray, optional Optional second channel """ # Original code by Deqing Sun, adapted from Daniel Scharstein. n_bands = 2 if v is None: assert uv.ndim == 3 assert uv.shape[2] == 2 u = uv[:, :, 0] v = uv[:, :, 1] else: u = uv assert u.shape == v.shape height, width = u.shape f = open(filename, "wb") # write the header f.write(TAG_CHAR) np.array(width).astype(np.int32).tofile(f) np.array(height).astype(np.int32).tofile(f) # arrange into matrix form tmp = np.zeros((height, width * n_bands)) tmp[:, np.arange(width) * 2] = u tmp[:, np.arange(width) * 2 + 1] = v tmp.astype(np.float32).tofile(f) f.close()
[docs]def read_image(file_name): """ Read images from a variety of file formats Parameters ----------- file_name : str Path to flow file Returns -------- flow : np.ndarray Optical flow map """ ext = splitext(file_name)[-1] if ext == ".png" or ext == ".jpeg" or ext == ".ppm" or ext == ".jpg": return elif ext == ".bin" or ext == ".raw": return np.load(file_name) return []
[docs]def read_flow(file_name): """ Read ground truth flow from a variety of file formats Parameters ----------- file_name : str Path to flow file Returns -------- flow : np.ndarray Optical flow map valid : None if .flo and .pfm files else np.ndarray Valid flow map """ ext = splitext(file_name)[-1] if ext == ".flo": flow = read_flow_middlebury(file_name).astype(np.float32) return flow, None elif ext == ".pfm": flow = read_flow_pfm(file_name).astype(np.float32) if len(flow.shape) == 2: return flow, None else: return flow[:, :, :-1], None elif ext == ".png": return read_flow_png(file_name) return []
[docs]class InputPadder: """ Class to pad / unpad the input to a network with a given padding Parameters ----------- dims : tuple Dimensions of the input divisor : int Divisor to make the input evenly divisible by mode : str Padding mode """ def __init__(self, dims, divisor=8, mode="sintel"):, self.wd = dims[-2:] pad_ht = ((( // divisor) + 1) * divisor - % divisor pad_wd = (((self.wd // divisor) + 1) * divisor - self.wd) % divisor if mode == "sintel": self._pad = [ pad_wd // 2, pad_wd - pad_wd // 2, pad_ht // 2, pad_ht - pad_ht // 2, ] else: self._pad = [pad_wd // 2, pad_wd - pad_wd // 2, 0, pad_ht]
[docs] def pad(self, *inputs): """ Pad the input Parameters ----------- inputs : list List of inputs to pad Returns -------- list Padded inputs """ return [F.pad(x, self._pad, mode="replicate") for x in inputs]
[docs] def unpad(self, x): """ Unpad the input Parameters ----------- x : torch.Tensor Input to unpad Returns -------- torch.Tensor Unpadded input """ ht, wd = x.shape[-2:] c = [self._pad[2], ht - self._pad[3], self._pad[0], wd - self._pad[1]] return x[..., c[0] : c[1], c[2] : c[3]]