Source code for

import torch

from ..config import get_cfg
from ..model_zoo import _ModelZooConfigs
from ..utils import Registry


def get_default_model_cfg(model_name):

    cfg_path = _ModelZooConfigs.query(model_name)

    return get_cfg(cfg_path)

def get_model_list():
    return _ModelZooConfigs.get_names()

[docs]def build_model( name, cfg_path=None, custom_cfg=False, cfg=None, default=False, weights_path=None ): """ Builds a model from a model name and config. Also supports loading weights Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the model to build cfg_path : str, optional Path to a config file. If not provided, will use the default config for the model custom_cfg : bool, optional Whether to use a custom config file. If False, will use the default config for the model cfg : CfgNode object, optional Custom config object. If provided, will use this config instead of the default config for the model default : bool, optional Whether to use the default config for the model weights_path : str, optional Path to a weights file Returns ------- torch.nn.Module The model """ if name not in MODEL_REGISTRY: raise ValueError(f"Model {name} not found in registry.") if cfg is None: if default: cfg_path = _ModelZooConfigs.query(name) cfg = get_cfg(cfg_path) else: assert cfg_path is not None, "Please provide a config path." cfg = get_cfg(cfg_path, custom=custom_cfg) model = MODEL_REGISTRY.get(name) model = model(cfg) if weights_path is not None: state_dict = torch.load(weights_path, map_location=torch.device("cpu")) if "model_state_dict" in state_dict: state_dict = state_dict["model_state_dict"] model.load_state_dict(state_dict) return model