Source code for ezflow.encoder.ganet

import torch
import torch.nn as nn

from ..config import configurable
from ..modules import Conv2x, ConvNormRelu
from .build import ENCODER_REGISTRY

[docs]@ENCODER_REGISTRY.register() class GANetBackbone(nn.Module): """ Feature extractor backbone used in **GA-Net: Guided Aggregation Net for End-to-end Stereo Matching** ( Parameters ---------- in_channels : int Number of input channels out_channels : int Number of output channels """ @configurable def __init__(self, in_channels=3, out_channels=32): super(GANetBackbone, self).__init__() self.conv_start = nn.Sequential( ConvNormRelu(in_channels, 32, kernel_size=3, padding=1), ConvNormRelu(32, 32, kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1), ConvNormRelu(32, 32, kernel_size=3, padding=1), ) self.conv1a = ConvNormRelu(32, 48, kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1) self.conv2a = ConvNormRelu(48, 64, kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1) self.conv3a = ConvNormRelu(64, 96, kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1) self.conv4a = ConvNormRelu(96, 128, kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1) self.conv5a = ConvNormRelu(128, 160, kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1) self.conv6a = ConvNormRelu(160, 192, kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1) self.deconv6a = Conv2x(192, 160, deconv=True) self.deconv5a = Conv2x(160, 128, deconv=True) self.deconv4a = Conv2x(128, 96, deconv=True) self.deconv3a = Conv2x(96, 64, deconv=True) self.deconv2a = Conv2x(64, 48, deconv=True) self.deconv1a = Conv2x(48, 32, deconv=True) self.conv1b = Conv2x(32, 48) self.conv2b = Conv2x(48, 64) self.conv3b = Conv2x(64, 96) self.conv4b = Conv2x(96, 128) self.conv5b = Conv2x(128, 160) self.conv6b = Conv2x(160, 192) self.deconv6b = Conv2x(192, 160, deconv=True) self.outconv_6 = ConvNormRelu(160, 32, kernel_size=3, padding=1) self.deconv5b = Conv2x(160, 128, deconv=True) self.outconv_5 = ConvNormRelu(128, 32, kernel_size=3, padding=1) self.deconv4b = Conv2x(128, 96, deconv=True) self.outconv_4 = ConvNormRelu(96, 32, kernel_size=3, padding=1) self.deconv3b = Conv2x(96, 64, deconv=True) self.outconv_3 = ConvNormRelu(64, 32, kernel_size=3, padding=1) self.deconv2b = Conv2x(64, 48, deconv=True) self.outconv_2 = ConvNormRelu(48, out_channels, kernel_size=3, padding=1) @classmethod def from_config(cls, cfg): return { "in_channels": cfg.IN_CHANNELS, "out_channels": cfg.OUT_CHANNELS, }
[docs] def forward(self, x): x = self.conv_start(x) rem0 = x x = self.conv1a(x) rem1 = x x = self.conv2a(x) rem2 = x x = self.conv3a(x) rem3 = x x = self.conv4a(x) rem4 = x x = self.conv5a(x) rem5 = x x = self.conv6a(x) rem6 = x x = self.deconv6a(x, rem5) rem5 = x x = self.deconv5a(x, rem4) rem4 = x x = self.deconv4a(x, rem3) rem3 = x x = self.deconv3a(x, rem2) rem2 = x x = self.deconv2a(x, rem1) rem1 = x x = self.deconv1a(x, rem0) rem0 = x x = self.conv1b(x, rem1) rem1 = x x = self.conv2b(x, rem2) rem2 = x x = self.conv3b(x, rem3) rem3 = x x = self.conv4b(x, rem4) rem4 = x x = self.conv5b(x, rem5) rem5 = x x = self.conv6b(x, rem6) x = self.deconv6b(x, rem5) x6 = self.outconv_6(x) x = self.deconv5b(x, rem4) x5 = self.outconv_5(x) x = self.deconv4b(x, rem3) x4 = self.outconv_4(x) x = self.deconv3b(x, rem2) x3 = self.outconv_3(x) x = self.deconv2b(x, rem1) x2 = self.outconv_2(x) return [x, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6]