Source code for

import os.path as osp
from glob import glob

from ...config import configurable
from ...functional import FlowAugmentor
from .base_dataset import BaseDataset

[docs]@DATASET_REGISTRY.register() class FlyingThings3D(BaseDataset): """ Dataset Class for preparing the Flying Things 3D Synthetic dataset for training and validation. Parameters ---------- root_dir : str path of the root directory for the flying things 3D dataset split : str, default : "training" specify the training or validation split dstype : str, default : "frames_cleanpass" specify dataset type is_prediction : bool, default : False If True, only image data are loaded for prediction otherwise both images and flow data are loaded init_seed : bool, default : False If True, sets random seed to worker append_valid_mask : bool, default : False crop: bool, default : True Whether to perform cropping crop_size : :obj:`tuple` of :obj:`int` The size of the image crop crop_type : :obj:`str`, default : 'center' The type of croppping to be performed, one of "center", "random" If True, appends the valid flow mask to the original flow mask at dim=0 augment : bool, default : True If True, applies data augmentation aug_params : :obj:`dict`, optional The parameters for data augmentation norm_params : :obj:`dict`, optional The parameters for normalization flow_offset_params: :obj:`dict`, optional The parameters for adding bilinear interpolated weights surrounding each ground truth flow values. """ @configurable def __init__( self, root_dir, split="training", dstype="frames_cleanpass", is_prediction=False, init_seed=False, append_valid_mask=False, crop=False, crop_size=(256, 256), crop_type="center", augment=True, aug_params={ "eraser_aug_params": {"enabled": False}, "noise_aug_params": {"enabled": False}, "flip_aug_params": {"enabled": False}, "color_aug_params": {"enabled": False}, "spatial_aug_params": {"enabled": False}, "advanced_spatial_aug_params": {"enabled": False}, }, norm_params={"use": False}, flow_offset_params={"use": False}, ): super(FlyingThings3D, self).__init__( init_seed=init_seed, is_prediction=is_prediction, append_valid_mask=append_valid_mask, crop=crop, crop_size=crop_size, crop_type=crop_type, augment=augment, aug_params=aug_params, sparse_transform=False, norm_params=norm_params, flow_offset_params=flow_offset_params, ) assert ( split.lower() == "training" or split.lower() == "validation" ), "Incorrect split values. Accepted split values: training, validation" assert ( dstype.lower() == "frames_cleanpass" or dstype.lower() == "frames_finalpass" ), "Incorrect dstype values. Accepted dstype values: frames_cleanpass, frames_finalpass" self.is_prediction = is_prediction self.append_valid_mask = append_valid_mask if augment: self.augmentor = FlowAugmentor(crop_size=crop_size, **aug_params) if split.lower() == "training": split = "TRAIN" if split.lower() == "validation": split = "TEST" for cam in ["left"]: for direction in ["into_future", "into_past"]: image_dirs = sorted(glob(osp.join(root_dir, dstype, split + "/*/*"))) image_dirs = sorted([osp.join(f, cam) for f in image_dirs]) flow_dirs = sorted( glob(osp.join(root_dir, "optical_flow/", split + "/*/*")) ) flow_dirs = sorted([osp.join(f, direction, cam) for f in flow_dirs]) for idir, fdir in zip(image_dirs, flow_dirs): images = sorted(glob(osp.join(idir, "*.png"))) flows = sorted(glob(osp.join(fdir, "*.pfm"))) for i in range(len(flows) - 1): if direction == "into_future": self.image_list += [[images[i], images[i + 1]]] self.flow_list += [flows[i]] elif direction == "into_past": self.image_list += [[images[i + 1], images[i]]] self.flow_list += [flows[i + 1]] @classmethod def from_config(cls, cfg): return { "root_dir": cfg.ROOT_DIR, "split": cfg.SPLIT, "dstype": cfg.DS_TYPE, "is_prediction": cfg.IS_PREDICTION, "init_seed": cfg.INIT_SEED, "append_valid_mask": cfg.APPEND_VALID_MASK, "crop": cfg.CROP.USE, "crop_size": cfg.CROP.SIZE, "crop_type": cfg.CROP.TYPE, "augment": cfg.AUGMENTATION.USE, "aug_params": cfg.AUGMENTATION.PARAMS, "norm_params": cfg.NORM_PARAMS, "flow_offset_params": cfg.FLOW_OFFSET_PARAMS, }
[docs]@DATASET_REGISTRY.register() class FlyingThings3DClean(FlyingThings3D): @configurable def __init__( self, root_dir, split="training", is_prediction=False, init_seed=False, append_valid_mask=False, crop=False, crop_size=(256, 256), crop_type="center", augment=True, aug_params={ "eraser_aug_params": {"enabled": False}, "noise_aug_params": {"enabled": False}, "flip_aug_params": {"enabled": False}, "color_aug_params": {"enabled": False}, "spatial_aug_params": {"enabled": False}, "advanced_spatial_aug_params": {"enabled": False}, }, norm_params={"use": False}, flow_offset_params={"use": False}, ): super(FlyingThings3DClean, self).__init__( root_dir=root_dir, split=split, dstype="frames_cleanpass", init_seed=init_seed, is_prediction=is_prediction, append_valid_mask=append_valid_mask, crop=crop, crop_size=crop_size, crop_type=crop_type, augment=augment, aug_params=aug_params, norm_params=norm_params, flow_offset_params=flow_offset_params, ) @classmethod def from_config(cls, cfg): return { "root_dir": cfg.ROOT_DIR, "split": cfg.SPLIT, "is_prediction": cfg.IS_PREDICTION, "init_seed": cfg.INIT_SEED, "append_valid_mask": cfg.APPEND_VALID_MASK, "crop": cfg.CROP.USE, "crop_size": cfg.CROP.SIZE, "crop_type": cfg.CROP.TYPE, "augment": cfg.AUGMENTATION.USE, "aug_params": cfg.AUGMENTATION.PARAMS, "norm_params": cfg.NORM_PARAMS, "flow_offset_params": cfg.FLOW_OFFSET_PARAMS, }
[docs]@DATASET_REGISTRY.register() class FlyingThings3DFinal(FlyingThings3D): @configurable def __init__( self, root_dir, split="training", is_prediction=False, init_seed=False, append_valid_mask=False, crop=False, crop_size=(256, 256), crop_type="center", augment=True, aug_params={ "eraser_aug_params": {"enabled": False}, "noise_aug_params": {"enabled": False}, "flip_aug_params": {"enabled": False}, "color_aug_params": {"enabled": False}, "spatial_aug_params": {"enabled": False}, "advanced_spatial_aug_params": {"enabled": False}, }, norm_params={"use": False}, flow_offset_params={"use": False}, ): super(FlyingThings3DFinal, self).__init__( root_dir=root_dir, split=split, dstype="frames_finalpass", init_seed=init_seed, is_prediction=is_prediction, append_valid_mask=append_valid_mask, crop=crop, crop_size=crop_size, crop_type=crop_type, augment=augment, aug_params=aug_params, norm_params=norm_params, flow_offset_params=flow_offset_params, ) @classmethod def from_config(cls, cfg): return { "root_dir": cfg.ROOT_DIR, "split": cfg.SPLIT, "is_prediction": cfg.IS_PREDICTION, "init_seed": cfg.INIT_SEED, "append_valid_mask": cfg.APPEND_VALID_MASK, "crop": cfg.CROP.USE, "crop_size": cfg.CROP.SIZE, "crop_type": cfg.CROP.TYPE, "augment": cfg.AUGMENTATION.USE, "aug_params": cfg.AUGMENTATION.PARAMS, "norm_params": cfg.NORM_PARAMS, "flow_offset_params": cfg.FLOW_OFFSET_PARAMS, }
[docs]@DATASET_REGISTRY.register() class FlyingThings3DSubset(BaseDataset): """ Dataset Class for preparing the Flying Things 3D Subset Synthetic dataset for training and validation. Parameters ---------- root_dir : str path of the root directory for the flying things 3D dataset split : str, default : "training" specify the training or validation split is_prediction : bool, default : False If True, only image data are loaded for prediction otherwise both images and flow data are loaded init_seed : bool, default : False If True, sets random seed to worker append_valid_mask : bool, default : False If True, appends the valid flow mask to the original flow mask at dim=0 augment : bool, default : True If True, applies data augmentation aug_param : :obj:`dict`, optional The parameters for data augmentation norm_params : :obj:`dict`, optional The parameters for normalization flow_offset_params: :obj:`dict`, optional The parameters for adding bilinear interpolated weights surrounding each ground truth flow values. """ @configurable def __init__( self, root_dir, split="training", is_prediction=False, init_seed=False, append_valid_mask=False, crop=False, crop_size=(256, 256), crop_type="center", augment=True, aug_params={ "eraser_aug_params": {"enabled": False}, "noise_aug_params": {"enabled": False}, "flip_aug_params": {"enabled": False}, "color_aug_params": {"enabled": False}, "spatial_aug_params": {"enabled": False}, "advanced_spatial_aug_params": {"enabled": False}, }, norm_params={"use": False}, flow_offset_params={"use": False}, ): super(FlyingThings3DSubset, self).__init__( init_seed=init_seed, is_prediction=is_prediction, append_valid_mask=append_valid_mask, crop=crop, crop_size=crop_size, crop_type=crop_type, augment=augment, aug_params=aug_params, sparse_transform=False, norm_params=norm_params, flow_offset_params=flow_offset_params, ) assert ( split.lower() == "training" or split.lower() == "validation" ), "Incorrect split values. Accepted split values: training, validation" self.is_prediction = is_prediction self.append_valid_mask = append_valid_mask if augment: self.augmentor = FlowAugmentor(crop_size=crop_size, **aug_params) if split.lower() == "training": split = "train" if split.lower() == "validation": split = "val" image_list = [] flow_list = [] img_dir = osp.join(root_dir, split, "image_clean") flow_dir = osp.join(root_dir, split, "flow") for cam in ["left", "right"]: for direction in ["into_future", "into_past"]: im_paths = sorted(glob(osp.join(img_dir, cam, "*.png"))) if direction == "into_past": im_paths = im_paths[::-1] for idx in range(len(im_paths) - 1): cur_fn = im_paths[idx] nxt_fn = im_paths[idx + 1] _, base_name = osp.split(cur_fn) flow_fn = osp.join( flow_dir, cam, direction, base_name[:-4] + ".flo" ) if osp.exists(flow_fn): image_list.append([cur_fn, nxt_fn]) flow_list.append(flow_fn) self.image_list = image_list self.flow_list = flow_list @classmethod def from_config(cls, cfg): return { "root_dir": cfg.ROOT_DIR, "split": cfg.SPLIT, "is_prediction": cfg.IS_PREDICTION, "init_seed": cfg.INIT_SEED, "append_valid_mask": cfg.APPEND_VALID_MASK, "crop": cfg.CROP.USE, "crop_size": cfg.CROP.SIZE, "crop_type": cfg.CROP.TYPE, "augment": cfg.AUGMENTATION.USE, "aug_params": cfg.AUGMENTATION.PARAMS, "norm_params": cfg.NORM_PARAMS, "flow_offset_params": cfg.FLOW_OFFSET_PARAMS, }