Source code for ezflow.config.retrieve

Adapted from Detectron2 (

import os

import pkg_resources

from .config import CfgNode

[docs]def get_cfg_obj(): """Returns a :class:`CfgNode` object""" return CfgNode(new_allowed=True)
[docs]def get_cfg_path(cfg_path, grp="models"): """ Returns the complete path to a config file present in ezflow Parameters ---------- cfg_path : str Config file path relative to ezflow's "configs/{grp}" directory Returns ------- str The complete path to the config file. """ grp = grp.lower() assert grp in ("models", "trainers"), "Grp must be either 'models' or 'trainers' " if grp == "models": cfg_complete_path = pkg_resources.resource_filename( "ezflow.model_zoo", os.path.join("configs", grp, cfg_path) ) elif grp == "trainers": cfg_complete_path = pkg_resources.resource_filename( "ezflow.model_zoo", os.path.join("configs", grp, cfg_path) ) if not os.path.exists(cfg_complete_path): raise RuntimeError( f"{grp}/{cfg_path} is not available in ezflow's model zoo or trainer configs!" ) return cfg_complete_path
[docs]def get_cfg(cfg_path, custom=False, grp="models"): """ Returns a config object for a model in model zoo. Parameters ---- config_path : str Complete config file path Returns CfgNode or omegaconf.DictConfig: a config object """ if not custom: cfg_path = get_cfg_path(cfg_path, grp=grp) cfg = get_cfg_obj() cfg.merge_from_file(cfg_path) return cfg